The f*ck was I gonna name this…

Changing jobs has been difficult the last two years.  Mentally, I’m not the best anymore.  I struggle finding words, I get things backwards, I have a hard time with numbers and letters.  I was thinking about how my training has gone with my current job and one thing stood out…  one person just kept saying “You need to think more carefully, slow down.”  They probably think they’re giving me sound advice, but that’s not the issue at all.

I feel like I’m always talking about my aches and pains (even if I’m not because I’m still talking about it in my head) so it irks me even more to remind a person that knows me that I have fibromyalgia.  Having said this, I barely talk at work.  I’ve become so dull minded that I can’t keep up with conversations, especially with people I don’t know well.  So who can blame them for not remembering, I can’t remember what I did 2 minutes ago.  

It’s so utterly frustrating not to be able to be there mentally like I was before.  I was quick with smart remarks, aced every test, was confident in my knowledge, excellecent at spelling and grammar and could remember things in stupid detail.  I rarely participate in conversations now because by the time I formulate a response to a statement everyone has already talked about a different subject matter and are on to the next.  I keep a personal planner and have a big calendar and look at them constantly because I’m so afraid I’m going to miss something.

I feel like it’s all just slipping through my fingertips and I can’t do anything about it.  I just have to sit there and look like a dunce because I can’t just shove my big “I have fibromyalgia! ” flag down everyone’s throat.  Shit, most people think that’s an imaginary flag anyways.

My biggest fear is that I will end up being seen as being unfit for my job.  I’ve already struggled so much with my health and working that I can’t fathom what I’d do.  It’s been 15 years and things just progress instead of getting better.
And all this just when I thought I was on a new road to accepting fibromyalgia…

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